This unusual documentary was made by adrenaline junkie Reed Paget, who just happened to in place, camera in hand, when just about every major event of the last decade unfolded. Reed smuggled blood-soaked footage of Tiananmen Square out of China, filmed South African cops tear-gassing black protestors, bunkered down in a Jerusalem hotel as Iraqi missiles pelted the city, and wandered through the mine fields at ancient Cambodian temple Angkor Wat after being interrogated as a CIA spy. And all of this is just the beginning. Reed contrasts extremes of government and civil action with words from his aging grandfather, a former CIA spook who trained guerilla fighters, whose hawkish platitudes vividly resurrect cold war mentality for ironic counterpoint. While the film somewhat thematically meanders, it will leave you open-mouthed and wondering whether Reed is incredibly brave, lucky, or stupid, as he blithely wanders through some of the world’s scariest danger zones.