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By Film Threat Staff | April 25, 2002

The Extreme Filmmaking Competition phase of the Chrysler Million Dollar Film Festival is set to send 10 filmmaking finalists to Cannes from May 15th through the 26th, 2002. The finalists must now write, cast, shoot, edit and premiere a five-minute short film during a ten-day period.
After the ten days are up, the films will premiere for a panel of industry professionals at Cannes. This phase will determine the five finalists who move on to the Feature Film Packaging phase in Los Angeles during the summer of 2002.
The ten filmmakers selected to compete in the Extreme Filmmaking Competition in Cannes, and their films, are:
Will Canon, Roslyn ^ Patrick Daughters, In Life We Soar ^ Richard Doherty, My Chorus ^ Maurice A. Dwyer, Whoa ^ Matthew Ehlers, Lunch ^ Geoffrey Haley, The Parlor ^ Catherine Tingey, Girls’s Guide to the Galaxy ^ Jeff Wadlow, Tower of Babble ^ Seth Wiley, The Good Things ^ Ivan Zivkovic, Remote Control
To check out the finalists and their films, and to learn more about the Chrysler Million Dollar Film Festival, Extreme Filmmaking Competition and Feature Film Package, pay a visit to the official Festival site.
Check out’s FILM FESTIVAL ARCHIVES for more fest news!

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