Vindicating Trump Image

Vindicating Trump

By Alan Ng | September 26, 2024

Political documentaries are always a mixed bag. We all have our own biases, viewpoints, and perspectives, and especially today, reviewing a political documentary can be seen as an act of cowardice or bravery, depending on which side you stand on. That said, let’s dig into what could be described as a one-sided documentary, Dinesh D’Souza’s Vindicating Trump.

The film opens like a thriller in a Democratic National Committee war room. In the background, Trump is making his infamous “Golden Escalator” speech, announcing that he is running for President in 2015. The speech sets off a series of phone calls and Zoom meetings between the DNC, union reps, and other dark forces strategizing how to take down Trump at the ballot box, in the media, in court, and in other sinister ways.

We then cut to documentarian Dinesh D’Souza laying out the film’s premise to present the truth behind Donald Trump — who he is, what he’s actually said, and the policies he plans to bring into the White House. D’Souza brings in Trump lawyer Alina Habba to speak to Trump’s character and the legal battle he has been fighting since announcing his re-election. Lara Trump is there to discuss Trump as a family man. Then Trump himself comes on board to defend his policies and his treatment by the political elite on both sides. He does a bit of stumping himself for his cause. D’Souza attempts to make the case that President Trump is not a danger to Democracy in America and that the Democrats are the real danger.

“…attempts to make the case that President Trump is not a danger to Democracy in America…”

Let’s be real. Vindicating Trump is a very pro-Trump documentary (I think the title gives that away). My favorite documentaries are the ones that present an idea, support it, and then counter it with opinions from both sides, letting me come to my own conclusion. This does not do that. To be fair, other Trump documentaries we’ve received don’t do that either. Consider #Unfit: The Psychology of Donald Trump, The Accidental President, or Hello, Privilege. It’s Me, Chelsea…among others. Will we ever get a universally recognized fair examination of the Trump Administration? Maybe 50 years from now.

Here’s what I like about Vindicating Trump: The mainstream news media lies to us in the way they cover Trump, and political pundits lie to us in the way they plead with us to vote against Trump. D’Souza does just that and attempts to vindicate Trump from the overused false narratives they say about him. We’re all familiar with the story of Trump apparently mocking a disabled journalist and the “good people on both sides” quote. The filmmaker easily debunks these narratives by playing the actual quotes in their entirety. This documentary exists to show that President Trump is not the person he’s portrayed to be in the news and opinion shows.

On the negative side, the behind-the-scenes dramatizations of DNC operatives are a bit cheesy, rivaling inane SNL sketches about what they think happens in Trump strategy sessions. It doesn’t work for the left, and it certainly doesn’t work for the right. As a film critic, I’m not trying to tell you how to vote in November. I’m here to tell you whether this is a good movie or not. I think it’s fair to say that, D’Souza is more preaching to the choir. This means one side will love this movie, and the other side won’t.

Here’s what I will say about Vindicating Trump. I would rather you go to the ballot box with an informed opinion versus an opinion that has been force-fed to you by the media and your passionate (some might say cult-like) friends and family. Take in the facts, then make your decision. Period. I say this because everyone around you will tell you that I never should have reviewed this film because it gives a platform to the Dictator Trump. Aren’t you curious when everyone around you is so adamant that you shouldn’t watch something? Maybe you should watch it and decide for yourself. You have my permission to watch a documentary and not have to agree with it.

Vindicating Trump (2024)

Directed and Written: Dinesh D'Souza

Starring: Alina Habba, Lara Trump, Donald Trump, etc.

Movie score: 7.5/10

Vindicating Trump Image

"…would rather you go to the ballot box with an informed opinion versus an opinion that has been force-fed to you..."

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