Any film made by a guy named Gym Jones is solid in my book. Even if it sucks, I know this guy is a sassy one and I’d be proud to drink Kool-Aid with him anytime.
“Undisciplined” shows us what happens when a schleppy long-haired hippie type hooks it up with a naughty minx who wants to be dominated. S**t, that situation alone stirs up some good laughs. Imagine James Taylor shacking up with Betty Page, there’s an exercise in futility right there.
This chick, for some unknown reason, decides to jump in the sack with this idiot and the only thing that can really get her bell ringin’ is if he spanks her. Being the passive chump that he is, he can’t bring himself to do it. Following his rejection, the rest of the film is made up of shots of this girl destroying the loft and being as naughty as she can to try and goad this guy into spanking her.
Not only is this a comic piece about a loser that can’t rise to the occasion, but it also teaches the lesson that if you do what your lady wants you to do in bed, you shall live a long and happy life.