Two Minutes Image

Two Minutes

By Ethan Padgett | January 15, 2025

Two Minutes is a suspenseful dramedy-thriller short from director-screenwriter Jamie Benyon. Brothers Jimmy (Samuel Bottomley) and Anthony (Ashley Margolis) plan to rob a corner shop in under two minutes. The men devise this scheme to help their grandmother after the loss of her husband. Anthony goes in as the gunman, while Jimmy stays back as the getaway driver, watching the clock. As Jimmy is intensely focused on his brother’s return, his Nan (Annette Badland) sees him in the car and catches him off-guard, beginning a conversation with him.

Nan urgently barges into the car as she wants to tell him something important, but he cannot be distracted as the clock is ticking away. Things escalate when Anthony gets away as the alarms go off in the shop. He must get in the car before the police arrive. The situation goes awry as the car doors are set on child lock, leaving Anthony unable to open them. Will Nan get a minute to unveil her struggles with grief?

“Brothers Jimmy and Anthony plan to rob a corner shop in under two minutes.”

Benyon delivers a perfectly constructed short. The ticking clock aspect helps the audience connect with this grieving family. It enhances the storyline because we can feel Nan’s love for her grandsons. Kitt Sullivan’s cinematography effectively uses widescreen lenses for excellent close-ups. Annette Badland’s performance as Nan is wonderful! She superbly captures the earnestness and fussy personality of a grandmother. Both Samuel Bottomley and Ashley Margolis have a strong screen presence and should be paired together in more films.

Jamie Benyon’s Two Minutes is a must-see short filled with heartfelt moments and genuine performances. If you love heist films, check this one out because Benyon’s film will steal your emotions.

Two Minutes (2023)

Directed and Written: Jamie Benyon

Starring: Annette Badland, Samuel Bottomley, Ashley Margolis, etc.

Movie score: 8/10

Two Minutes Image

"…a must-see short..."

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