Judging by the title, it would be easy to assume that this film is a spoof of “There’s Something About Mary.” Thankfully, this is not the case. The Meryl referred to in the title “There’s Something About Meryl,” is none other than Meryl Streep and this time, no one is using semen as a hair gel substitute.
The prologue informs us that this film takes place during an unimportant point in Streep’s career, “after ‘The River Wild’ but before ‘The Bridges of Madison County’.” At this point, she is awarded an infamous star on a Hollywood street. Two eccentric Meryl Streep enthusiasts (Mo Collins and Bernie Van De Yacht) then meet when they both show up for the event hours early. When a conversation ensues about how many times she used a different accent or how often she has cried on screen in her career, we learn the strength of their following and how stalker-ish it seems. Needless to say, love ensues.
The direction and the editing does a fine job of keeping up with the peculiar movements of these quirky characters, also James T. Sale’s score is perfect to accentuate the tone even further. While the characters and their discussions keep you interested, the last half is destroyed when the romantic element comes through and takes away the film’s originality.