The Show Image

The Show

By Alan Ng | May 29, 2020

I forgot to mention, Mason (Giancarlo Esposito) the network’s janitor who is holding down three jobs to keep his family’s home out of foreclosure. Any guesses about Mason’s role in the show?

Here is the main problem with The Show. The idea is just so over the top that we just can’t relate to the drama and tragedy of the subject matter. I’m sure at some point the director, Giancarlo Esposito, who also plays Mason, thought they were making some statements about problems with reality television. But in order to make a meaningful statement, you’re story must connect with the audience. It’s the tongue-in-cheek nature of the film’s events that are so surreal, it becomes more of a sad joke in the end.

“…commended for admirably acting conflict, pain, and hopelessness…”

The dying actors should be commended for admirably acting conflict, pain, and hopelessness, but they shoot themselves in the head and the moment becomes comedy. The movie is full of good intentions but lacks serious execution. The story is just a little too predictable. Soon, it denigrates into a struggle for ratings, keeping sponsors and the one person with any moral center getting fired at the end. The studio audience reactions feel forced and the demise of the show is not a lesson in the suicide debate but a quick police investigation.

Ultimately the problem with The Show is the premise. We just can’t buy into it and becomes one of those movies you watch and laugh, while wondering how did this film get made in the first place. There are those movies you watch only because of how bad it is. The Show could be one of those movies.

The Show (2017)

Directed: Giancarlo Esposito

Written: Noah Pink, Kenny Yakkel

Starring: Josh Duhamel, Famke Janssen, Sarah Wayne Callies, Giancarlo Esposito, Caitlin FitzGerald, etc.

Movie score: 5/10

The Show Image

"…those movies you watch only because of how bad it is."

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