History is a reminder of where we’ve been as a race and a mirror for what we’re capable of (good and bad). László Illés’ The Shepherd is set in Europe during World War II at the ranch of an old shepherd. He sits alone, as he does everyday, thinking of the daughter he lost from a German bullet.

“…he surveys his property finding several dead bodies (all shot) and then a nude woman…”
While preparing a meal for himself, the old shepherd hears gunshots in the far distance. When the commotion ends, he surveys his property finding several dead bodies (all shot) and then a nude woman still alive from her bullet wound.
We immediately flashback to several hours before and off in the distance, a German transport truck is taking a dozen Jewish prisoners to a train station in order to…well, you know. In the rear of the truck, a Jewish brother and sister begin asking questions of a newly recruited Nazi guard. The pair insists on knowing their destination and what will happen to them. The guard feigns ignorance, but the tenor of the conversation is cause for the truck to stop and the other officers.

"…most of the film is a series of long single shots."