When you need a healthy dose of perspective about your life, the best place to go is somewhere outside of the United States and Canada. In Ali Imran Ch’s short film, The Inspiring Story of an Abnormal Man Leading A Normal Life, his subject Umar Mughal gives some very sobering advice to all of us.
Umar Mughal is a twenty-eight-year-old graphic designer living in Lahore, Pakistan. He was born with Osteogenesis Imperfecta, which means his bones were brittle and broke often. The doctors who treated his broken bones never set them properly, and as a result, he barely grew and had difficulty walking.
As a small man, one would not blame him for becoming a ward of the state and living off of disability for the rest of his life. Mughal’s life story and philosophy are solely focused on living independently and relying on no one for help. But on the other hand, his mission in life is to help others in need and help them be independent like himself.

“Mughal’s life story and philosophy are solely focused on living independently…”
Running at ten minutes, The Inspiring Story of an Abnormal Man Leading A Normal Life gives you zero time to feel sorry for Mughal or yourself. Instead, the man speaks for himself in talking head interviews, and Ch’s camera follows him at work, home, and with his doctors.
Filmmaker Ali Imran Ch also refuses to resort to shaming his audience into feeling sorry for his subjects nor themselves. The director does not minimize anyone’s circumstances — whatever they happen to be — either. In The Inspiring Story of an Abnormal Man Leading A Normal Life, his focus is to allow Mughal’s story to serve as inspiration to overcome our weaknesses and challenges and come out as better people in the end.
For screening information about The Inspiring Story of an Abnormal Man Leading A Normal Life, visit Your Everyday Heroes website.

"…serve[s] as inspiration to overcome our weaknesses..."
I love this… thank you for such a positive review of Umar, and thank you Your Everyday Heroes for bringing it to life.