The Beautiful Summer (La Bella Estate) Image

The Beautiful Summer (La Bella Estate)

By Michael Talbot-Haynes | August 9, 2024

There is also framing that dissects Amelia’s body under the desirous gaze of Ginia’s perspective. The compositions are both breathtaking as well as unconventional, such as the choice to film the couple’s first kiss in a long shot in a park as opposed to the obligatory close-up. There is also an incredible cinematic sensory revelation when the two women dance close for the first time. The dancehall music fades away, replaced by their own private song as they go to a faraway place in each other’s arms.

It packs the kind of emotional explosion that runs through chests and lands as tears on lashes. It is one of those rare moments when the screen radiates an intense intimacy where the world goes away, taking the audience with it. The viewer gets to feel the rush of two people, realizing they see themselves in each other’s eyes. Every choice of blocking and camera angles is white-hot perfect, resulting in a supernova of unmet desire.

“…framing that dissects Amelia’s body under the desirous gaze of Ginia’s perspective.”

Yup, The Beautiful Summer is that good. For those worried that the period politics will fog up all the steam built know that fascism takes a backseat to the fireworks. It only crops up in odd places in the background, be it black shirts drying on a clothesline or a window closed to muffle the Mussolini speech playing on all radios. It is referenced just enough to keep an oppressive atmosphere hanging over the budding romance.

The lead actresses whip out one miracle move after another, both tearing the screen up. Cassel is perfection as the ultimate tall, dark stranger who swoops into your entirely undeserving life. She pursues Vianello with the laser precision of a sapphic terminator, with her eyes pulling all matter into their bottomless pools. She maintains a powerful aloofness while also displaying the vulnerability of an orchid.

Vianello gives new meaning to onscreen bravery as she projects emotions few ever see in the tame worlds they exist in. Her willingness to bear all is not squandered by Luchetti, who delivers some of the best post-exploitation sex scenes and nudity. All previous rules are broken as to what is shown and what isn’t, with one of the most realistic representations of frantic coupling ever. With The Beautiful Summer, director Luchetti proves her time in the sun as a director is just beginning.

The Beautiful Summer (La Bella Estate) screened at the 2024 Locarno Film Festival.

The Beautiful Summer (La Bella Estate) (2024)

Directed: Laura Luchetti

Written: Laura Luchetti, Greta Scicchitano, Mario Iannuzziello, Isabella Weber

Starring: Yile Yara Vianello, Deva Cassel, Nicolas Maupas, Adrien Dewitte, Alessandro Piavani, etc.

Movie score: 9/10

The Beautiful Summer (La Bella Estate) Image

"…an incredible cinematic sensory revelation..."

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