Technicians Image


By Alan Ng | August 8, 2024

HOLLY SHORTS FILM FESTIVAL 2024 REVIEW! Anytime technology advances, the conveniences it creates for the consumer come with a series of unintended consequences.

In Kelly Luu and Kevin Luu’s short film Technicians, Dave is a former game designer who now works as a technician for a new AI-powered nail stylist. When Dave arrives at a salon…now under new management. He is greeted warmly by the owner but coldly by the soon-to-be-laid-off staff. Quickly, Dave sees the faces of those his machine will replace.

Though, Technicians is not a new story. I remember when robots stole auto worker jobs decades ago and recently saw my local fast food joint use AI in the drive-thru to take my order. The idea of obsolescence comes at us at a faster rate, but what Technicians do so well is remind us about the importance of human connection in our everyday lives and in the most mundane areas of our lives.

“He is greeted warmly by the owner but coldly by the soon-to-be-laid-off staff.”

What I also like about Technicians is how this message of human connection just snuck up on me in the story. the Luu’s hid it well to make the most impact, thanks to wonderful performances by the cast. Then, they send us on a somewhat wacky adventure in the end.

Technicians serves as a modern parable, highlighting the unintended consequences of technological advancements on human employment and connection. Kelly Luu and Kevin Luu craft a story that subtly underscores the value of human interaction amidst automation. This short film reminds us of the irreplaceable essence of human touch in our increasingly mechanized world.

Technicians screened at the 2024 Hollyshorts Film Festival.

Technicians (2024)

Directed and Written: Kelly Luu, Kevin Luu

Starring: J. Alphonse Nicholson, Jamie Tran, etc.

Movie score: 7.5/10

Technicians Image

"…a modern parable, highlighting the unintended consequences of technological advancements..."

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