Having a drink with her friend, Paula (Leslie Nipkow), one night at the hotel bar, Marcy engages in conversation with a few of the furries. Leaving the bar, Marcy and her new friends embark on a low-key night of light shenanigans around the hotel. This let-loose moment for Marcy seems to be just what the doctor ordered.
But remember the hurricane? The intended dramatic parallel between the storm and Marcy’s disheartened state is never made clear. The hurricane is tremendous, but Marcy’s situation, while frustrating, doesn’t appear to be driving her into too much of a downward descent from which she might never recover. The two events are disproportionate to each other when they are meant to be complementary. As a result, the central thesis is lost.

“The intended dramatic parallel between the storm and Marcy’s disheartened state is never made clear.”
On the plus side, Stella for Star is sensitively directed by Nick Singer. The direction is enhanced by Justin Zweifach’s smooth cinematography, as well as the exemplary production design by Sam Hensen. Robin Weigert is perfectly cast as Marcy. Her expressive face ideally registers the weariness brought upon by her present circumstance. Hall excels as the attitudinal tween, and Ledgerwood is fittingly all innocent and wide-eyed.
Splendid as the acting is, however, the film disserves it. If writers Ben Gottlieb and Nick Singer had kept the focus more on Marcy without interrupting her journey with this hurricane business, Stella for Star would have touched down with a lot more impact.

"…I am not entirely sure what Stella for Star was trying to tell me."