Staunch Moderates Experience Image

Staunch Moderates Experience

By Alan Ng | July 25, 2024

As we head into yet another contentious election season, do you ever get the sense the political divide is not only getting worse but may be intentional? There is hope, and it comes through Gregory T. Simmons’ musical extravaganza, Staunch Moderates Experience.

Our host, DJ Staunch (Gregory T. Simmons), takes us on a peaceful journey into the political leanings of Staunch Moderates. He acts as our guide through a twelve-song musical journey of the movement.

The first song is an homage to the once counter-culture magazine Rolling Stone, sung by renowned rapper Casanova Ace (Clemmie Garard). Next comes the tune Socrates Cafe, which gives us a philosophical overview of the Staunch Moderate movement. Soon, we are introduced to the Moderate mascot, Bigfoot (Dave Meeker), with two songs about baseball and football.

Other songs include a spotlight on newly minted Moderate Bill Maher and a tribute to the guiding moderate principle of love.

“…takes us on a peaceful journey into the political leanings of Staunch Moderates.”

I’ll say this: The Staunch Moderates Experience has cheekiness and positive messaging that makes the short film endearing. There’s not a lick of nastiness or partisanship in the entire film. No one can argue that peace, empathy, and understanding are not ideals that we should embrace.

In terms of music and the visual look of the music video, it’s not exactly pushing any artistic boundaries. Much of the videos feature DJ Staunch, Casanova Ace, and Bigfoot in various locations across the country or against a green screen. One video includes an appearance by legendary bombshell Mamie Van Doren.

Fortunately, the songs are easy to understand—like the political version of School House Rock! As someone who was around during the birth of MTV (when they showed music videos), I can give the Staunch Moderates Experience a bare recommendation. A lot of love went into this project, and there’s earnestness in trying to change the divisive rhetoric of the two major parties running the country today. That has to count for something.

For more information about Staunch Moderates Experience, visit the Staunch Moderates official website.

Staunch Moderates Experience (2024)

Directed and Written: Gregory T. Simmons

Starring: Gregory T. Simmons, Clemmie Gerard, Steve Huntsman, Bo Persiko, Mamie Van Doren, etc.

Movie score: 6/10

Staunch Moderates Experience Image

"…like the political version of School House Rock!"

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