Writer-director Matthew Wohl’s feature-length thriller Scooter ends with a character asking the audience directly, “Is this what you want? Do you want to see this?” While I can’t speak for anyone else, I can say that no, that is not what I wanted. A meandering story in which two of the three main characters fight for the entire film, ensuring their friendship is never felt while featuring an ineffectual antagonist, does not sound like anyone’s cup of tea if you ask me.
Will (Joshua Zimmerman), Paul (Dondre Tuck), and Juan (Stephan Pineda) have been best friends since they were little. In 2015, as young adults, they began their “Three Amigos” YouTube Channel. It swiftly became one of the most popular channels on the site, with the trio recently hitting 10 million subscribers. On “Three Amigos,” Will, Paul, and Juan grab a challenge at random and film themselves undertaking it.

“…meandering story in which two of the three main characters fight for the entire film, ensuring their friendship is never felt…”
Their latest challenge, written by Juan, is for them to travel from their home in Florida to New Orleans via scooters. Mind you, not the foot pedaling one that you used as a child but a moped. After acquiring their scooters, supplies, and packing up, the three hit the road. Their first day on the highway proved quite rough. As such, they decide to stick to backroads as much as possible. After another day of driving, they make camp a little before sunset when Will realizes he forgot the hot dogs.
The friends decide to hunt squirrels or raccoons with makeshift spears. While searching for their prey, the Three Amigos see a man snap a lady’s neck in the middle of the woods. The killer spots the friends, and they make a break for it. Heading towards the nearest town, a few miles behind them, they flag down the sheriff. But it does not take them long to discover that Sheriff Burt (Mitch Lemos) is the murderer. Now the trio must figure out how to outmaneuver the evil local while hopefully finding someone who will believe them.

"…the Three Amigos see a man snap a lady’s neck in the middle of the woods."