Satranic Panic Image

Satranic Panic

By Terry Sherwood | September 20, 2024

It feels providential that I discovered Director Alice Maio Mackay’s latest feature, Satranic Panic while exploring stylish LGBTQ+ horror.  I greatly enjoyed T-Blockers, which concerned a zombie outbreak that destroys would-be lovers and friends with plenty of practical gore, sword slashes, and a human message of love between two people with the Australian LGTBQ community.

Set in Australia and raising the stakes by blending musical and road movie elements, Satranic Panic follows the adventures of Aria (Cassie Hamilton) and her friend Jay (Zarif) as they investigate the murder of Max (Sebastien Grech), Aria’s ‘brother’ and Jay’s boyfriend. Aria and Jay witnessed demonic cultists murder Max, with whom they both loved and shared a mutual quest for taking revenge.

“Aria, who is transitioning, was given an estrogen shot that has given her a special power…”

Aria, who is transitioning, was given an estrogen shot that has given her a special power to sense who amongst them is a demon in disguise. The duo is attacked by murderous monsters who want nothing more than to stop them. Demons are disguised as Room service people, Gas station attendants, and motorists who stop to help. Aria and Jay pick up Nell (Lisa Fanto), who strikes up a relationship with Aria, leaving Jay alone with his somewhat secret admiration for Aria. The group breaks up, leaving one wondering if Max’s killers will ever be caught.

Satranic Panic is not only a tour de force in the emerging Queer Horror genre, but it’s also simply a damn good film. The script crackles with cool, thoughtful dialogue with one-liners like ‘Realism is for Russian playwrights and lonely virgins”.  Running out of money, Aria must finance the trip with musical drag shows in towns that deliver almost cabaret-style music with a rock-and-roll mentality.  The action is fast and furious, cut quickly but clearly, with charmingly cheap special effects. The demons’ glowing eyes and neon tongues are especially striking when Aria gets a backstage visit from a very devoted fan.

Satranic Panic (2023)

Directed: Alice Maio Mackay

Written: Cassie Hamilton, Alice Maio Mackay, Benjamin Pahl Robinson

Starring: Cassie Hamilton, Zarif, Lisa Fanto, etc.

Movie score: 8/10

Satranic Panic  Image

"…it simply is also a damn good film..."

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