The animation equivalent of flash fiction, Sawyer Ique’s short film, Quick Brown Fox and a Lazy Big Dog, is an adorable story of perseverance in the face of overwhelming odds. In this case, the overwhelming odds involve the efforts of a small yet determined fox to jump over a rather portly canine. After a few futile attempts, the audience is left to wonder – will the fox make it on his next leap?
Viewers won’t have to wait long for their answer as the writer-director’s movie clocks in at under 90 seconds. Because of the story’s transitory nature, there’s a built-in limit on the overall impact it can have on an audience member. That being said, it’s difficult not to be touched by this simple little tale that all ages can enjoy.
“…the efforts of a small yet determined fox to jump over a rather portly canine.”
The animation could appear crude to some, but the vibrant colors and hand-drawn quality add an organic appeal that is the antithesis to the polished – but often uninspired – quality of animation that Pixar and Dreamworks regularly churn out. Suffice to say, it’s refreshing to see animation that doesn’t feel like it was created by an army of automatons in lifeless cubicles.
The definition of short and sweet, Quick Brown Fox and a Lazy Big Dog won’t leave a lasting impression like an excellent feature-length film would. But it works well for providing a quick laugh, and younger children should get a kick out of it. It also puts the animation world on notice to look out for Sawyer Ique. Judging by the variety of content available on his Youtube channel, he’s an artist with no shortage of imagination.
"…no shortage of imagination."