Sexual ambiguity and exploration seem to be all the rage these days, though when it comes to film, they’re nothing new. Paul Morrissey’s collaborations with Andy Warhol through the late ‘60s and early ‘70s focused on these themes, while John Waters has depicted them his entire career. Films like The Rocky Horror Picture Show and Tangerine threw them in our faces with humor, passion, and frankness. Unfortunately, Canadian short Morning After explores sexual openness with all the depth of a social media post.
Michael has just returned to his hometown after traveling abroad. He and a few friends hang out one night and discuss their sexual experimentation, taking it one step further with a game of guessing the flavor of a piece of chocolate from somebody’s kiss while blindfolded. He takes part in the game, not knowing who delivered the kiss, despite the stubble on both male’s faces. Afterward, he goes to the bathroom and one of the girls comes on to him. They have sex in a bedroom as he envisions the males there with them. They rejoin the group and everyone goes out to the balcony when it starts raining, leading to disrobing and the eventual climax. Pun intended. Yawn.
“…it starts raining, leading to disrobing and the eventual climax.”
The main problem is that the characters are completely one-dimensional. Rather than being real people, we connect with, they’re vapid shells with empty dialog. We don’t know anything about them other than their sexual proclivities, making them boring characters at best.
Director Patricia Chica does a competent job with what she has, but that’s not much and certainly can’t bring the film from its dull depths.
The film claims to be based on a true story. That’s nice, but most of us have explored our sexuality in one way or another, so what makes this one special? Sadly, nothing, making it just another forgettable short.

Morning After Directed by Patricia Chica. Written by Kristian Hodko. Starring Zoé De Grand Maison, Jordana Lajoie, Kristian Hodko, Joey Scarpellino and Thomas Vallieres.
1.5 out of 5 stars