Many Bloodlines Image

Many Bloodlines

By Alan Ng | January 14, 2021

By their very nature, short films tell only a small piece of the broad spectrum of humanity. Theola Ross’ Many Bloodlines is the story of her journey toward parenthood with her partner, Stefani. Ross has felt like the odd one out for being queer in her Canadian reservation. Now add being a woman and the struggles of being part of the maligned and ignored indigenous people. It just piles on the stress of her life.

“…they discuss racist and homophobic encounters they experienced growing up…”

Many Bloodlines documents the couple’s pregnancy. Technically-speaking, Ross’ egg was fertilized with the sperm of a 100% indigenous donor, and the embryo was implanted in Stefani. After one attempt, it worked. As the couple is on the home stretch to childbirth, they discuss racist and homophobic encounters they experienced growing up, navigating the world around them, and the excitement they’ll face as parents. Most importantly, Ross talks about how vital it is for her to continue the bloodline, culture, and experiences of indigenous people.

Theola Ross’ story is one we don’t hear often and she directs it well enough to keep audiences engaged. Her passion for not only her partner but her culture as well makes Many Bloodlines compelling and worth watching.

Many Bloodlines (2020)

Directed and Written: Theola Ross

Starring: Theola Ross, Stefani Bersinic, etc.

Movie score: 7/10

Many Bloodlines Image

"…she directs it well enough to keep audiences engaged."

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