Love Music Shelter Image

Love Music Shelter

By Alan Ng | June 19, 2024

A homeless mother and daughter find a potential new home in Courtney Miller and Alixx Schottland’s short film Love Music Shelter. Lila (Marsha Dietlein) and her daughter, Nat (Laurissa Romain), live on the boardwalk near Nat’s school, where we discover she is a rising singer. In hopes of finding permanent shelter, Lila and Nat busk along the boardwalk for dollar bills and change. At the same time, Nat makes some extra cash working small chores at a local recording studio.

When Nat returns to school on Monday, her favorite music teacher, Ms. Williams (Brenda Braxton), lets her know that she won’t be returning and will be a director at a prestigious music academy. She thinks Nat would be a perfect candidate for their scholarship problem. The problem is that the school is across town, meaning Lila and Nat would have to move into a nearby shelter to attend. The proud Lila says that’s not going to happen.

“In hopes of finding permanent shelter, Lila and Nat busk along the boardwalk for dollar bills and change.”

The first thing I noticed about Love Music Shelter is its high professional production values: good-looking sets, expert cinematography, and crystal-clear sound, which is perfect for the short film’s generous amounts of music.

The heart of the story is about the struggle of many families in America who find remarkable ways to survive without a roof over their heads. Love Music Shelter serves as a reminder that every person, regardless of their circumstances, is unique and has the potential to thrive if given a chance, much like Nat’s story. Lila represents those who have allowed past fears and personal demons to become obstacles in life.

If I have a complaint about Love Music Shelter, it is that it’s too short. The story’s events move too fast from start to finish, and some scenes could have definitely been stretched out and given a chance to breathe. In other words, Love Music Shelter would make a great one-hour TV movie or potentially an indie feature film. Otherwise, it’s still a fun watch with fantastic music.

For more information about Love Music Shelter, visit Over The Rainbow Entertainment.

Love Music Shelter (2024)

Directed: Courtney Miller

Written: Alixx Schottland

Starring: Laurissa Romain, Marsha Dietlein, Brenda Braxton, Esther McGregor, Frederick Weller, Isabella di Rienzo, etc.

Movie score: 7.5/10

Love Music Shelter Image

"…the struggle of many families in America who find remarkable ways to survive without a roof over their heads."

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