NOW ON DAILY WIRE+! A surreal, farcical, cultural satire, Lady Ballers is the first feature film to be released by the Daily Wire for their proprietary streaming service, Daily Wire+. In this sartorial commentary on society, co-writer, director, and lead actor Jeremy Boering, wished to explore the inclusion of alleged transgendered athletes in women’s sports. As we witness, contrary to the DSM V or any other medical standard of transition, these trans women athletes have not taken any gender therapy medications and retain all the strength and bone structures of men. As evidenced in Lady Ballers, this leads to otherwise mediocre male athletes stomping mud holes in women’s sports records.
Lady Ballers centers on the story of three-time high school state champion coach Rob Gibson (Boering). In the 15 years following his last victory, Gibson has seen his life fall to pieces. His wife, Dharby (Lexie Contursi) has divorced him. He has just been let go of his position coaching reprobates at the town’s youth center. To make matters even worse, the CD store he used to work at has become a drag restaurant called Dollies. His star athlete, Alex Cruise (Daniel Considine), is a blonde-bewigged serving wench at that fine establishment. Learning of a $5,000 prize in competing in a community decathlon, Gibson arranges for Alex to enter as a trans woman. Alex wins every category, setting new records in shot put and javelin. Chuffed with their brief success, they are accosted by journalist Gwen Wilde (Billie Rae Brandt). Wilde has an immodest proposal for them: enter the competition to be part of the new Global Sports competition as trans women. In exchange, they will grant Wilde exclusive control of all media content concerning Gibson’s team of trans athletes.

“…competing in a community decathlon, Gibson arranges for Alex to enter as a transwoman.”
Being primarily a farce, Lady Ballers leans in on broad comedic brushstrokes. Much slapstick and terrible wordplay ensues in the execution of Gibson and Wilde’s plot. That Wilde is also a domme who’s into binding and branding her paramours, is wonderfully played for laughs. I enjoyed a minor subplot involving sensitivity training, wherein a white man with a touch of Native American ancestry becomes a full-blown impersonation of an American Indian – or at least his idiotic conception of such.
Lady Ballers has a great big heart, and it has a great many moral lessons to provide us, the viewers. In exploring the absurdist zeitgeist decision of permitting Trans women into women’s sports, and thus destroy women’s sports for biological women. I personally don’t care how much hate I receive for this next zinger. I, for one, am glad Riley Gaines got to have a cameo in this as a swimmer bested by one of these alleged trans women, paralleling her defeat swimming against Lia Thomas. The particularly masculine form of Lia Thomas grates on me that this person, who would otherwise be a mediocre male swimmer, bests every great female swimmer and gets away with it.
Lady Ballers is a tongue-in-cheek farce. It’s clearly prepared for the audience who would subscribe to the Daily Wire+ and is loaded with Daily Wire personalities such as Ben Shapiro, Brett Cooper, and Matt Walsh. Seek it out if you’re intrigued.

"…a tongue in cheek farce...."
“Lady Ballers has a great big heart, and it has a great many moral lessons to provide us, the viewers.” That’s a complete lie. The movie doesn’t have a big heart because the protagonist is the hero, the jokes revolve around beating women, and is overall a huge middle finger to women’s sports. It doesn’t have decent moral lessons what so ever; no one wants women in sports, boys are better at everything and girls are great at childbirth, women should never leave their husbands, people who commit violence against transgenders do it out of love and support.
This is one of the worst movies ever made and is a colossal f*** you to women’s sports. They never try to pretend to take women athletes seriously at one point in this film. It derives most of its humor from women getting beat. The heroes are abusive misogynistic aholes assaulting women, while the main antagonist is a woman. Riley Gaines cameo was laughing at her not with her, she tied with Lia Thomas for 5th place, yet in the movie she loses badly to a dude passed his prime whose never trained for Olympic swimming in his life.
The use of slapstick humor is juvenile and many of the jokes are unoriginal. The Native American joke took something that’s never funny and managed to make it even more unfunny then before.
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[…] Read More: filmthreat.com/reviews/lady-ballers/ […]
See you’re getting a bit of hate for this. To be expected. The comnents are as entertaining a read as your review. Your review, alone, however, was spot on. Thanks.
Hey, does this mean we get to arrest and prosecute and absurdly punish everybody at the Daily Wire+ for putting on a drag show? Or is dressing up in drag acceptable when it’s done to belittle subcultures, and not stupid stuff like raise awareness or host charity benefits or read to children?
WORLD: Hey, Film Threat: what does your reviewer think of that crummy transphobic Daily Wire movie, LADY BALLERS
FILM THREAT: We don’t know. He wrote what his crummy transphobic family thought of it instead
WORLD: Isn’t that antithetical of the job of a film critic
Not only are you a terrible writer but you’re also a boring bigot. I really hope you didn’t get paid for this review that would get rejected from a high school newspaper for being insipid, uninteresting and spiritually bankrupt. For starters, if you don’t want to sound like a bigot, its “TRANS WOMEN”, TWO SEPARATE WORDS. Would you write “tallwomen”? Actually nevermind, look who I’m talking to. You absolutely would write that. Anyway I’m glad everyone is dragging your garbage review. It’s bad and you should feel bad. Bigotry aside, I would be mortified for people to know that I’m so incapable of writing something engaging, interesting and coherent. Can’t believe you signed your name to this bro. Hope the fawning fascists of twitter make you feel like the hero of the day. You are a clown.
And so the MAGA war on transgender Americans shifts into higher gear. One critic says it skewers “everything woke.” Right, woke this, woke this. The ultimate conservative dogwhistle in search of a definition. Oh, and it stars Ben Shapiro. That alone is enough to make any camouflage-wearing, AR-15-toting goober moist.
Seems like all it takes to be a conservative is to be a complete loser with a massive persecution complex. Case in point: Riley Gaines, who tied for FIFTH PLACE with a trans-woman, and has forged a career based on whining about it. Let me spell it out for those who might not get it: both the trans woman and Riley Gaines were beaten by 4 other cis ladies. If you are characterizing that outcome as “Besting every great female swimmer,” you are being dishonest.
Lemme get this straight, I’m a conservative because I gave a tacitly positive review to a decently funny political satire that I reviewed as a courtesy to this website? Interesting. And as far as I was aware the sentence I placed in my review is PRECISELY how the media has been portraying the lia thomas/riley gaines debacle. Since you are attacking me, I would advise you to provide some evidence. After all, I’m just going along with what the media sources I see on my PC on a daily basis are reporting.
For the record, I’m an anarchist. I don’t have a horse in this particular race. These are the positions of my family in this matter. Since I was reviewing the film, and they give a dang about these issues I presented them as they would want it. If you don’t like it, feel free to go away. It’s not like your comment is essential, nor do I get much from a person who hasn’t commented on a single other review I have done, and solely wishes to virtue signal in an aggressive manner on this one. I don’t care so much about lady ballers, truth be told. Since y’all wish to interact on it, I’ll play along as the expanded bandwidth is good for my social score. BAJAJAJAJAJAJA!!
I don’t know about “conservative” but you’re definitely transphobic, man. It would be cool if you cared about that more than the attention.
you’re only an “anarchist” if by “anarchist” you mean “pathetic, talentless, creepy transphobe.”
Heh, Watching this movie 10 years ago, people would be rolling even more then they are now. Now the people 10 years ago would think this would never become reality, which would make it even better to them, just like Older movies from the past aka , White Chicks, Soul man, etc….. Fun movie to watch and sad at the same time to actually know that the movie is all to correct in how these narcissists actually exist and want more, more , more and more from people that live in reality and if they do not get it, the masses are the problem.
You are lying. You know it was unwatchable. When did FIlm Threat become a conservative F**K-tank? Hand in your critic’s license MAGA CHUD.
First, there’s no such thing as a ‘critic’s license’. It does not exist. Either an organization wants you to review for them, or they do not.
Second, only a small mind resorts to name calling.
Keep the unhinged comments coming. This engagement can only help me out.
Daddy chill
wow, it has been a while since I have seen such an unhinged comment online. Cope and seethe bud.
[…] also received a glowing review from Film Threat, who called it ‘a surreal, farcical cultural satire’ with ‘a great big […]
It’s a hilarious play on how the woke are destroying women’s sports. I think it’s brilliant. Not because of great actors or acting rather for hitting the sheer stupidity of men in women’s sports. Absolutely fresh.
More like how much Conservatives want to destroy women’s sports. This movie is overall an endorsement of men in women’s sports. They make it clear how much they don’t respect women’s sports or women in general.
I appreciate you leaving an honest review about it being a good movie, but it’s targeted towards an audience that already finds men in women sports as hilarious.
waaaaaaaaaaaah my feelings are hurt by actual comedy. Look back for decades you wimps. People have been getting made fun of in movies forever. grow up.
The people who made this movie need to grow up. Jeremy Boring the film’s star, writer, and director bought a bunch of Harry’s razor blades and set them on fire online because Harry’s called him a homophobe. Ben Shapiro who was in this movie made a 40 minute video of himself burning Barbie dolls because the Barbie movie ruined his ego. Its not comedy when you’re intentionally trying to be a condescending, mean-spirited bully. You need to watch comedies from decades ago which were light hearted and punched up, while this movie is mean spirited and punches down.
A retard made this movie and his review.
People really need to come read your whole review. The snippet chosen from it by rotten tomatoes is misleading.
Very f****d up that one of the four Rotten Tomatoes for this s**t is one that ends with “I like this movie because it says things about the transgenders that make me feel validated about my resentment for them. I like when movies tell me what I want to hear. I am very smart.”