Gregory Alexander Foltynowicz’s short film, Lachesis, pays homage to arguably one of the greatest directors in cinema, Ingmar Bergman. Foltynowicz presents the forces that weigh on our internal compass that allows us to make independent choices. The external factors of our environment, family, and spiritual inclinations that influence these seemingly “personal” choices are then put up as roadblocks.
The film opens on the shore of a lake. A man holds tightly to a rope that has bound a young boy. In a reverse tug-of-war, the man is keeping the boy from walking into and ultimately being enveloped by the lake. The man loses. He then walks into his farmhouse, where other men are bound for what the man believes is their safety.

“…walks into his farmhouse, where other men are bound for what the man believes is their safety.”
I’ll admit, I’m much more of a fan of a straightforward narrative. Lachesis is a thinker along the lines of what Jason Ankeny describes as Bergman’s “profoundly personal meditations into the myriad struggles facing the psyche and the soul.” The filmmaker explores the idea of personal choice and how the external prevents us from making seemingly dangerous and life-threatening choices.
Much like a painting, this short is a work of art. Shot in crystal clear, black and white, and with no words, Foltynowicz presents his artistic vision, and in turn, the audience is left to find meaning in his work. My only issue is that a bit of preparation or research is required to understand the film. I’ve had arguments about this, but I feel a film should stand on its own without preparation.
Gregory Alexander Foltynowicz’s Lachesis is a hauntingly artistic short film that attempts to strip away the external forces hindering the search for our true selves. It’s a creative piece of art, which might not be for everyone, but like true art, it leaves you thinking about it long after seeing it.
For more information about Lachesis, visit Gregory Alexander Foltynowicz’s official website.

"…hauntingly artistic..."