Inside the Edge: A Professional Blackjack Adventure Image

Inside the Edge: A Professional Blackjack Adventure

By Alan Ng | June 10, 2019

There’s a great deal of stress in KC’s line of work. He not only has to be on his game counting every damn card and making split-second decisions affecting wins and losses, but he also has to make sure he’s never caught. The most significant stress is the act of entering a casino without being identified (from facial recognition systems), finding a table without being stopped by security, and winning as much money as he can, before drawing attention to himself.

Then there are the swings. Gambling is, after all, still gambling. There is always the luck factor, and one day Lady Luck is kind and the other it’s harsh. KC’s adventure across the country is exciting, thrilling, and fun to watch. His interactions with casino security are equally as thrilling. As the casino is on to his next move, KC has to adapt. Once he adapts, the casino must make new changes and the cycle starts all over again. At one point, the casino identifies his RV license plate and passing that info around to other casinos. KC is unable to get past the front doors.

“…offers a friendly visual guide to card counting and a few other secrets of the Advantage Players.”

Want to gain an advantage the next time you’re in Vegas? Inside the Edge: A Professional Blackjack Adventure offers a friendly visual guide to card counting and a few other secrets of the Advantage Players. Directory Buddy also brings in a few other members of this secret society, including John Chang, Max Rubin, James Grosjean, Arnold Snyder, Stanford Wong, and Richard Munchkin. Each offers their own insight into the life of the professional gambler, the trouble one can get into when messing with a casino, and inside the head of KC himself.

The documentary has one major shortcoming in that the quality of the video is far below average. Cheaper cameras were used for the interviews and RV footage. Of course, all of the casino footage is shot with hidden cameras, so the quality is grainy, and the clarity has much to be desired. Other than that, this is one of those real-life Ocean’s 11 adventures, I will watch over and over again.

Inside the Edge: A Professional Blackjack Adventure (2019) Directed by Chris Buddy. Featuring KC, John Chang, Max Rubin, James Grosjean, Arnold Snyder, Stanford Wong, and Richard Munchkin.

8.5 out of 10 stars

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  1. 토토사이트 says:

    It provides a rare behind-the-scenes look at the strategies and risks involved in this high-stakes endeavor.

  2. How old? says:

    How old is KC in this video?
    Is he over 30years old or under 30?

  3. Inside the Edge: A Professional Blackjack Adventure – Free RV Internet says:

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  4. Inside the Edge: A Professional Blackjack Adventure – Anywhere RV says:

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