If I Could Stay (Si Pudiera Quedarme) is a documentary directed by Theo Rigby and Florence Krochik. The film follows two women from different Latin American countries who are both dealing with similar issues. Jeanette received a deportation notice from the United States government despite the fact that it would leave her kids in the States. The pregnant Ingrid is also facing deportation but believes she deserves to stay. During their protracted fight with ICE and the U.S. government, Jeanette and Ingrid use a church as a sanctuary, staying there for weeks, months, and maybe even years.
The directors follow these two and those helping and supporting them in an unobtrusive manner. Watching this film isn’t quite like being a fly on the wall, but it is the next best thing. Seeing how desperate Jeanette is not to break up her family and how she knows she can’t go back to her country of origin is heartbreaking. Ingrid, a new mom while hurdling through obstacle after obstacle, is nothing if not inspiring.

“…protracted fight with ICE and the U.S. government, Jeanette and Ingrid use a church as a sanctuary…”
Due to the nature of the production, the film is light on style, which is a good thing. The narrative of Jeanette and Ingrid fighting for fundamental rights and recognition is compelling enough without the need for flashy details. The use of news footage and statistics hammers home how important their struggle, as well as those in similar predicaments, truly is. Of course, politics must enter the conversation, but Rigby and Florence navigate those tricky waters with class. By honing in on the humans at the center of the immigration debate, the filmmakers make the viewers feel a deep connection to their struggle, rallying behind the obvious humane choice.
If I Could Stay (Si Pudiera Quedarme) is an emotional rollercoaster of a story. Jeanette and Ingrid’s respective plights will tug at one’s heartstrings, evoking a deep sense of empathy. By quietly observing them, the directors let the human condition that unites everyone become the focus. In doing so, their film generates a powerful message and will hopefully get a few folks thinking about immigration in a different light, feeling more empathetic toward those facing similar struggles.

"…an emotional rollercoaster..."