In his debut feature Glue Trap, writer -director Justin Geldzahler keeps you on a tight thread as you question your judgment with each turn the story takes. It is impossible to describe all the things that make this film so fantastic without spoiling all the fun. I’m not sure if I can think of another plot about a conflicting relationship that left me so ambivalent about who to side with. This comedic horror tale is a truly objective portrayal of a couple trying their best to settle their differences.
To put it lightly, KJ (Brittany Bradford) and Dan (Isaac Jay) are not very compatible. An inability to properly express their feelings led to built-up resentment between them. On a double date, their friends “The Jenns” (Kasey Marr, Caroline Hertz) take notice and offer up their family cabin in rural Virginia for them to use. Knowing that change must come, Dan accepts the invitation to the romantic getaway before KJ can turn it down.

“…to put it lightly, KJ and Dan are not very compatible…”
Glue Trap never gives us time to take a breath. The cold cinematography against the bold color pallet sets the mood as we follow the couple into the country. Can this trip reverse all the damage they have done to each other? We may never be able to find out as another family sister of the Jenns, Eliza (Gloria Bangiola), makes a surprise visit one day into their trip. Still struggling to connect with Dan, KJ is jealous when he and Eliza hit it off. She is not the only one who starts to feel put off by Eliza. As a viewer you will be suspicious of her as well.
Despite knowing that they are there for space and peace she still forces her way into time with them and violates their privacy. At times it feels on purpose. Bangiola’s portrayal leaves it difficult to tell whether she is just oblivious or has an ulterior motive. After all, it is her family’s house so she can do what she wants, right?
In Glue Trap every word is said with a purpose, taking us through one giant metaphor that connects it all. In films of this genre, traditionally you get more of an idea of what ending you are being led to, this is not the case here. All I can say is if you are looking for something unexpected this is not one you are going to want to miss!

"…every word is said with a purpose..."