Writer/ director Clara Stephanie Schieber Lorenesi’s Espacios Vacíos (aka Empty Spaces) is about the delicate relationship between a housekeeper and the older woman she’s charged to care for. Mrs. Agnes (María Teresa Martínez) lives on a rather large estate and her children have hired Irene (Ana Cecilia Mota) to care for her as well as the house.
Agnes strolls around her home with the aid of a walker. Each morning, Irene makes breakfast and walks Agnes out into the garden for fresh air. Occasionally one of her daughters will come by to visit. The two have a cordial relationship as Agnes casually asks about Irene’s daughters. Because she provides full-time care for Agnes, she sees them only once a month.

“Because she provides full-time care for Agnes, she sees [her daughters] only once a month.”
The movie is a simple story of these two women, who wouldn’t otherwise know each other except for this job. The nature of the relationship changes when Agnes falls and must go to the emergency room. Director Lorenesi chooses to go for authenticity over flashy dramatics in this 19-minute short film. Its overall message is subtle as Irene finds herself at a crossroads in life. Espacios Vacios examines that crossroads in a relatable manner with a good cast.

"…examines that crossroads in a relatable manner with a good cast."