Eating Up Easter Image

Eating Up Easter

By Alan Ng | June 30, 2020

NEW TO VOD! Easter Island, officially known as Rapa Nui, is best known for its mysterious stone statues erected as far back as 1200 AD. The island is one of legend and mystery, as well as being the subject of several UFO investigation programs. Today, it is best known as a tourist destination bringing economic prosperity to the community. Yet others believe that said prosperity is killing the island and its culture. Director Sergio M. Rapu covers the slow disappearance of Easter Island and the Rapa Nui culture in his documentary, Eating Up Easter.

“…covers the slow disappearance of Easter Island and the Rapa Nui culture…”

Director Rapu is, in a way, a subject in his documentary. His father (featured prominently) was once governor of the island. While raising his son and daughter in the states, he was determined to bring U.S. economic prosperity to his homeland. But then there are those unintended consequences of wealth that director Rapu explores.

The first to be addressed is the environmental impact of tourism. Thousands upon thousands of tourists visit Rapa Nui to see the ancient statues. These tourists bring suntan lotion, drinks, and various other forms of waste with them. The problem is the tourists don’t take it back with them. Rapa Nui also imports the same drinks, snacks, and other sundries, from the mainland, which in turn creates more waste than the native island population can ever produce on its own. The cost to ship the debris off the island to its home country of Chile is exorbitant.

Eating Up Easter (2020)

Directed: Sergio M. Rapu

Written: Elena Rapu

Starring: Island of Rapa Nui, etc.

Movie score: 8/10

Eating Up Easter Image

"…always paint progress as the antagonist, and rightfully so."

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