Excluding that moment, which should have been left on the cutting room floor, Moseley sells his determination and pathos quite well. While playing a game with the evil puppets, he asks what would happen if he refuses. Moseley’s reaction to their answer is heartbreaking. He also handily makes the viewer believe in all the supernatural mumbo jumbo. Oberst Jr. plays the ominous Mr. Jolly and is so gleefully evil that he’s infectious. Despite their best efforts, the audience will be swayed into almost rooting for him.
The rest of the cast, with one exception, is rather lackluster. The main culprit preventing most of the friends from leaving an impression on the viewer is their lack of chemistry. The group dynamic never feels credible, which makes it hard to buy the leads as longtime friends. Individually the actors aren’t able to overcome the hackneyed dialogue to be all that memorable. Of course, Oberst Jr. and Moseley are excluded from this, as is Danni Spring. As Doc, Spring is a lot of fun. Spring makes Doc’s anger at herself (for hooking up with Rick) is tangible. She also credibly conveys the pain of the torture the puppets put her through.

“…designs are both creepy enough to work for the horror elements and cute enough to be from a children’s show.”
The puppets themselves look great. Their designs are both creepy enough to work for the horror elements and cute enough to be from a children’s show. Lead puppeteer Jake LaMarca does an excellent job of bringing Handy Dandy to life. The puppets’ movements are smooth, so they do appear to be moving around of their own volition.
Circling back around to issues with Devil’s Junction are the special effects. I watch a lot of independent, lower budgeted films; and not just to review for Film Threat. While I have never made a feature-length title, I am aware of how difficult effects on a budget truly are. So, when I say that the CGI in this movie is awful, please know that I do think the effects in Sharknado are not half bad considering time, money, and other such factors. The green-colored spells, portals, and magic lightning are poorly integrated into the backgrounds and lack texture.
Devil’s Junction is a very flawed beast. The effects are subpar, even for low budget genre fare, most of the cast is middling to the point of forgetfulness, and the dialogue is pretty cheesy. But, the two Bills, Moseley and Oberst Jr., are as game as ever, as is Danni Spring, who has moxie to spare. On top of that, the puppetry work is top tier stuff, with Handy Dandy having a discernible and engaging personality.

"…Oberst Jr. and Moseley work their brand of horror magic."
I want to thank you and Film Threat, as ever, for a fair and generous review. I really appreciate you guys taking these indie films on their own terms, finding the charms they may hold and not comparing them to the mega-budgets. That is kind and it is classy.
Bill Oberst Jr.