Yes, Michael Yosef’s short film, Dark Tales, is a dark and humorous tale of a murderous couple (Newton Mayenge and Whitney Bowers) who experience a sensual delight in dispensing God’s judgment upon the world. The story follows our protagonists on several kills involving a car accident victim, an annoying friend, and an unsuspecting hit-and-run driver.
“…a murderous couple who experience a sensual delight in dispensing God’s judgment upon the world…”
The bloody and cannibalistic kills came in second to this truly odd relationship of husband-and-wife killers, who are performed wonderfully by Mayenge and Bowers. The culinary preparation of their victims’ brains and organs is quite memorable. The murders are somewhat ritualistic but ultimately make our couple h***y as hell.
The plot itself feels poetic in nature, and I think the overall presentation could have been elevated if it had been told as a piece of visual poetry. That said, as a short, Dark Tales tells a good story with a devious and sinister wink.
"…bloody and cannibalistic kills came in second to this truly odd relationship..."
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