Curiosity Image


By Alan Ng | August 5, 2024

In Michael Cooke’s horror short, Curiosity, there are roads you should not walk down.

Late at night, Kevin (Hunter Bishop) finds himself scrolling through videos on his phone. He comes across a video about three easy steps to access the dark web. The first step is to download a browser with a direct link to the dark web, such as Tor. Easy, right? The next step is something about privacy settings and getting a VPN…blah, blah, blah.

“…something about privacy settings and getting a VPN…blah, blah, blah.”

Once Kevin installs Tor, curiosity guides him to a seemingly innocent yet sinister sight. They don’t call it the Dark Web for nothing.

Curiosity packs a lot of punch for a 10-minute, no-budget horror. Writer/director Cooke tells a simple story while adding a bit of technology and chills to create a cohesive package. You’d be surprised at how much stuff you have in the house to make an effective-looking movie kill room. Though the ending is predictable, it’s those images Cooke creates in your mind that bring the suspense. Starting filmmakers take note, that you do not need a lot to make that first film.

Curiosity (2024)

Directed and Written: Michael Cooke

Starring: Hunter Bishop, John Cooke, Jack Vize, Michael Cooke, etc.

Movie score: 7/10

Curiosity Image

"…They don't call it the Dark Web for nothing."

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