Writer-director Sean McCarron’s animated short, Corvine, takes us back to a time when as children, we become obsessed with something. In my case, it was Star Wars. This obsession takes over our lives for years, if not much longer.
Kevin (Robert McCarron) is a young boy who finds an obsession with crows when he spends the summer at his grandparents’ farm. Each morning he “flies” over the field, cawing and crowing. He spreads his wings as if preparing for a morning flight with the help of the feathers he’s attached to his clothing.

“… a young boy who finds an obsession with crows…”
At the end of summer, Kevin heads back to school. During lessons, his mind wanders high above the skies as he soars with his flock. But, when confronted by bullies, Kevin’s crow ways cannot help him avoid a beat down. So what is Kevin to do? What are his parents to do?
Corvine is a sweet tale of a child’s passions juxtaposed against reality and the good parents who support this passion in constructive ways rather than casting these dreams aside as a passing fancy. The touching story aside, the animation is king. With the overuse of 3D modeling, McCarron harkens back to the day of line-drawn animation. It reminds me of the old Fritz Freleng-style of Bugs Bunny cartoons and the animated character movements are spectacular.
Corvine depicts a young boy wanting so desperately to be a crow in the sweetest way possible. The animation is good, with a retro feel to it. This short is a pure joy to behold.

"…pure joy to behold."
Thanks Alan. Always love animated shorts (NOT CGI). I’ll be sure to check this one out.