Jean Reno is back as the assassin with a heart in Frédéric Petitjean’s Cold Blood. Set in the Pacific Northwest, Henry (Jean Reno) is sent on a relatively easy assignment that goes off without a hitch, but the job never ends with the kill.
Ten months earlier, Henry is hired to kill corrupt businessman Kessler. Using the old “ice bullet” trick, the job is clean, the money in hand, Henry heads off to a secluded winter cabin in the Washington mountains to lay low.
“Using the old ‘ice bullet’ trick, the job is clean, the money in hand, Henry heads off to a secluded winter cabin…”
No crime can go unpunished, which brings us to detective Kappa (Joe Anderson), assigned to solve the murder with no clues, and very few leads. Fortunately, he has a list of all the people who possess the very illegal, yet trackable “ice bullet.”

"…this film could only be made with Jean Reno..."
who hired henry to kill kessler and charly actually??
Whose phone number was that on the card?
I must have fallen asleep but missed out on who actually hired Jean Reno to kill Kessler and his Daughter ? Do not have the stomach to watch it all through again to see who it was.
I went back and paused on the phone list; none of the listed numbers matched the number. I am still confused.
I honestly don’t remember, but I assume it’s the guy who hired him last.