LA FEMME INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL 2023 REVIEW! In Linjie Huang’s short film, Chasing Jupiter, a young woman’s day has finally come. Our protagonist (Flora Jiwu Hwang) is beyond excited. The day has come for this astrophotographer, as the first meteor shower has come over a century from Jupiter.
With five minutes to go, the photographer prepares to shoot what will be the astrological photo contest winner. The problem is that her cute doggie (ironically named Jupiter) has stolen the key to her lens case and won’t return it.

“…her cute doggie (ironically named Jupiter) has stolen the key to her lens case…”
Running at a brisk four minutes, filmmaker Huang’s quick storytelling gets us right to the heart of the issue about our priorities in life. Sure, once-in-a-century opportunities come around, say, one time every hundred years, but we should never look sight on what’s truly important.
Chasing Jupiter is almost a silent movie. As the photographer, Flora Jiwu Hwang tells her emotional story beautifully through her body language and facial expressions. Yet, the most difficult challenge is finding a satisfying ending for this kind of story, and Huang sticks the landing beautifully.
Chasing Jupiter screened at the 2023 LA Femme International Film Festival.

"…almost a silent movie."