Who wants to live forever? The lighthearted documentary-style comedy Can’t Kill This, directed by Federico Scargiali, explores this idea. An aged hippie couple Tony (Bill Hutchens) and Kacy (Josephine Scandi) embark on a search for their apparently immortal friend and lover from the 1960s. Along their journey to find the enigmatic Joe (Brutius Selby), they encounter different people who have seen Joe comparatively recently. The couple undergoes the search in hopes that these bread crumbs will lead them to the seemingly ageless man who changed their lives so many years ago.
“An aged hippie couple…embark on a search for their apparently immortal friend…”
Can’t Kill This is very well shot and looks beautiful. It is equaled only by the surprising effectiveness of its gory special effects. The silly and almost jovial tone throughout lulls you into such a sense of comfort that when the rapid spine breaking and disemboweling comes, it is quite a shock. The bouts of violence were so visceral and unexpected that I could not help but wince.
The acting matches the over the top and wacky nature of the film rather well. But the two who really shine are Bill Hutchens and Josephine Scandi. The chemistry between them ignites right off the screen, while they believably sell that their drug-induced life together has made them both happy. Those factors are vital as these two have to carry the movie. Hutchens, in particular, is a hilarious delight with his playful and zany performance that made me laugh more than once. And the account of “the Bear Raper” is nothing short of side-splitting.
"…bouts of violence were so visceral and unexpected that I could not help but wince."