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By Chris Salce | February 9, 2022

Short films usually have the purpose of telling a short story (obviously). On top of that, it is an easier way for the cast and crew to gain valuable experience in front and behind the camera. Writer/director Sean Garcia’s Bump is about a criminal couple debating pulling off one last heist before moving on to the next chapter of their lives. However, there might be a bump in the road for these two before they can get the job done.

The unnamed couple is played by Elise Eberle and Will Madden (whose wardrobe is reminiscent of Nicolas Cage in Raising Arizona), who go back and forth with planning this one last heist. Eberle’s character is highly against it, thinking that it would be a lot safer just to get a real job, while Madden’s character pleads his case. During their argument, Eberle reveals that the couple is expecting. This explains why Eberle is so against committing another crime, and it opens the gates for a different discussion.

“…a criminal couple debating pulling off one last heist before moving on…”

Bump is a little under 10 minutes long, and even in that short length, it successfully does two things: it tells a story and makes me want to see the fate of its characters. Garcia’s script pulls you right in, even though it begins with a couple arguing, which seems like it has been going on for a bit longer than we can see.

Although the characters do not have names, you still get a good sense of who they are through their back and forth banter, as well as each person’s quirky mannerisms. The short is an excellent showcase of strong writing as well as fairly good acting. Bump may not be a groundbreaking comedy, but it has a team behind it that can make some noise in the industry.

Bump (2022)

Directed and Written: Sean Garcia

Starring: Elise Eberle, Will Madden, etc.

Movie score: 8/10

Bump Image

"…Garcia's script pulls you right in..."

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