Bullets Of Justice is not interested in world-building or character development, because it has another action beat to show off or another sex scene featuring Rob Justice to exploitatively bask in. This brings me back to the incest. Rob Justice, and yes, one must say his full name every time, has a sister with a mustache. There’s a pointless and utterly atrocious flashback to a modeling contest, where he tells a woman that she looks exactly like his sister, only she (the sister) has a mustache. For confusing reasons, the woman punches him, which zaps Rob Justice back to reality. Then, he’s screwing a woman with a mustache. As such, I am certain the romance in this movie is incestuous.
Now, due to the different timelines, I am not sure if she’s only his sister in one of them, as she’s also referred to as his assistant at times. All of this confusion might stem from the fact that Bullets Of Justice is a Kazakh and Bulgarian production… filmed in English. If I were a betting man, I’d put money down that several plot points that make no sense are due to poor translations while the script was written, as the movie is in English.
“There is no joy or passion to be found here.”
And that brings us to the acting. Save for Danny Trejo’s five-minute cameo, I am positive that none of these actors are all that well versed in English. The delivery of each line sounds like the actors memorized their parts phonetically, with all the odd pauses and monotone recitation that comes along with such. This makes it impossible to invest in or care what any of the characters do.
But, the biggest crime of the movie is the shoddy direction. There is no joy or passion to be found here. The attempts at kineticism during the action scenes prove more confusing than anything. The moments that are meant to be humorous, due to how utterly straight-faced they are played, such as Rob Justice placing second in a modeling contest, fall flat because they are so far removed from the narrative proper they are just nonsensical padding. Milev fails to establish a tone, so nothing feels connected or like it all belongs in the same universe.
Bullets Of Justice sports some impressive pig people practical make-up but fails on literally all other levels. The acting is subpar and wooden. The story is incoherent and confusing, focusing on the main character screwing a lot of people (including his sister?) as opposed to world-building and its plot. The humor is infantile and obnoxious. The direction fails to bring excitement or a cohesive vision to it all. This is one of the worst films of the year.
"…one of the worst films of the year."