Is director Fawad Siddiqui and writer Michael Sirjue’s animated short, BoxLife, the next Animal Farm? Well, let’s not get carried away… no, but BoxLife is a cautionary parable about trading one’s freedom for safety.
Shot in Red/Cyan 3D limited animation, the film tells the story of a community that has shunned all rules and is living a life of complete freedom. However, after one of their leaders rapes and murders two girls, the government decides that everyone must outfit themselves completely in cardboard boxes to achieve true equality. In doing so, everyone will look the same, plus you can paint your box any color to express your unique individuality. But, of course, this will be the only rule of a ruleless civilization. While most of the citizens applaud the change, some question the new rule. But the society prefers peace and safety and trusts the leaders implicitly.
“…the government decides that everyone must outfit themselves completely in cardboard boxes to achieve true equality.”
As the rules take effect, the community’s leader is killed by a poisonous snake. Suspicions are raised as to how a snake could bite the leaders, so new rules have to be made to protect its people. As members begin to question the growing number of rules from its leaders, they are quickly shut down and urged to do whatever the leaders say for the sake of peace in the community.
BoxLife is a cautionary tale about a time long ago and certainly could never happen today… right? Impossible. Either way, the animated short is a fun and insightful movie made by a bunch of dudes in their living room. Filmmakers Michael Sirjue and Fawad Siddiqui use a mix of CG animation and limited animation with the added bonus of 3D (you’ll need a standard pair of Red/Cyan glasses).
The greatest charm of the movie is that it was made on a meager budget (note previous living room comment). As a result, there’s a grittiness to the visual style that pairs great with the narrative. Plus, the voice acting is not tainted by polished professions but from a cast that clearly just wants to have fun. Check out BoxLife and get to know a new crew of emerging filmmakers and animators.

"…greatest charm of the movie is that it was made on a meager budget."