Despite its prominence in American folklore, the Sasquatch hasn’t appeared much in film. 1987’s Harry and the Hendersons brought a friendly PG version of the creature to mass audiences, but sightings on celluloid have been few and far between just like Bigfoot. Its cousin, the Yeti, has popped up more often, taking the spotlight in 1957’s The Abominable Snowman, Paul Naschy’s 1975 Waldemar entry The Werewolf and the Yeti, the corny made-for-TV Snowbeast (1977) and even 1974’s oddball exploitation schlock Shriek of the Mutilated to name a few, leaving his Pacific Northwestern counterpart in the shadows. Recently, numerous reality TV shows have cropped up, claiming to search for the legendary creature alongside films like Eduardo Sánchez’s superbly intense Exists (2014) and Bobcat Goldthwait’s sadly misguided Willow Creek (2013). That’s about to change, however, with Justin Lee’s awesome, fun Big Legend.
Kevin Makely plays Tyler, a former Army Ranger who proposes to his longtime girlfriend Natalie (Summer Spiro) on a camping trip. They set up camp and things are going well until he’s drawn outside and she gets kidnapped by a large, running humanoid. One year later, Tyler leaves a psychiatric hospital and stays with his mother (Adrienne Barbeau), who encourages him to find the answer he’s been seeking. He returns to the forest and soon teams up with Eli (Todd A. Robinson), a local poacher with similar interests. Ultimately, they find their game with dire consequences.
“…Army Ranger who proposes to his longtime girlfriend…until she gets kidnapped by a large, running humanoid…”
For a film with an extremely limited cast and virtually no budget, it’s one hell of a ride. Makely nearly carries the film on his own, his character a lot like Andrew Lincoln’s Rick Grimes on The Walking Dead without the corny speeches and poor decisions. As Eli, Robinson plays the perfect sidekick – a little off, but loyal and trusting to the end. Barbeau is excellent as always and there’s even a compelling performance from Lance Henriksen at the end, who sets up a sequel through his portrayal of a comic book-style kingpin determined to uncover the truth about what’s in the forest.
As for the monster, Big Legend delivers where most low-budget movies hide as much as they can to save money. You want Bigfoot? You got him in all his hairy, toothy glory. Additionally, director Lee does an excellent job of depicting action through a claustrophobic handheld camera, juxtaposing the great expanse of forest with the encapsulated experience of the main character.
Big Legend isn’t here to change your mind about politics or make you feel some deep emotion. This is pure mindless entertainment of the highest drive-in quality. Roger Corman should be proud.

Big Legend Directed by Justin Lee. Written by Justin Lee. Starring Kevin Makely, Todd A. Robinson, Summer Spiro, Adrienne Barbeau, Lance Henriksen, Amanday Wyss and Ashley Platz.
8 out of 10 stars
As someone who has been a “sasquatch/bigfoot” enthusiast since I was a tot in the 70’s and watched the great old documentaries, television shows and films about the subject, was expecting garbage that we usually get these days but was pleasantly surprised. I could go on for a bit about how well-acted and well-versed the producers were on the subject, but will just say this…if you are interested in the subject then please watch this film…truly enjoyed. it.
Si.. I agree liked it alot.. when Sequel coming.. it better be good.. yall right good old fashion movie.. need more hurry up.
Is there a second movie ?
Wow! Edge of your seat, puts you right into Tylers Shoes. Watching hoping he doesn’t get killed by the Bigfoot! Hoping Tyler gets his revenge. Amazing! Leaves you wondering what’s coming Next! Grateful for no corny Nude scenes and none of the crap thats in every tv show and Movie these days! Good old fashioned Horror and Wow there wasn’t any profanity! Imagine you can make a horror movie w/out Sex, Nudity and Profanity and it still ROCKS!!! 5 stars. Waiting for the sequels!
Found Big Legend in the $5 bin at Wal-Mart..to my surprise,it’s a very good movie..after the opening sequence it kind of lumbers along for awhile..it picks back up when he ventures back into the woods in search of answers..it slows back down for a few minutes before gaining speed and maintaining velocity to the end of the movie..great cliffhanger in the closing..hoping for a follow-up to continue the story..I for one am a believer of myths and legends..who’s to say what might be in hiding..hope this was a helpful review to those wanting to check it out.
Great movie.
I was hoping this would not turn into a broke back mountain movie
I was just waiting for him to load the boomstick and grab a chainsaw and get some payback
I liked it. When is Monster Chronicles coming out?
No nudity. I liked it. I don’t think it’s bad. It shows a few things that are a little bit rough. You might want to watch it first to see if your son can handle it. PG-13?
Wtf? Erm hes not real bro
My name is Al Black from Pa.
And Im going to search for this thing called Big Foot
In SC along with a group of other friends of mine.
Along with us will be a retired State Trooper.
My son wants to see this movie. Is there any sex or nudity? How bad is the violence? He is 10 years old
Seriously? Boobies will not harm a 10yo boy…whereas realistic movies about scary peaple-eating monsters…
Loved the movie except for the bigfoot roars. He sounded EXACTLY like Battlecat from He-man.
I loved the movie and I can’t wait for the sequel. But there were some mistakes like the reflectors that were connected with the car battery but continued to work even after the car exploded.
i love the movie!im waiting for the sequel!:-)
Someone please give me yalls opinion if you think the woman( fiancee) survived or not????
The Fiancé clearly did not survive in the movie, to whomever asked that question on the thread.
Was a bunch horse s**t, wanted bigfoot to win. Why wouldn’t the camera zoom in on bigfoot and why did bigfoot drop to his knees when shot when before he just ran away. Plus why did the dumbass with a broken leg take the biggest gun.
Dude awesome movie, delivered in everyway. Intense raw, well written and solid acting. What real entertainment in movies is supposed to be. Intense from start to finish, filming style put you in the film, solid emotion and adrenaline.
Excellent film, just good solid entertainment, they better keep that dude in the sequel, he’s hell bent on taking em down. Intense thriller start to finish. Raw gritty, good acting good directing. I loved it. Good to see something squachy that was ligit.
Sounds like a great time.
I want to see this
Birth of a new Super Hero…Tyler Laird, Monster Hunter, Legend Tracker.
Agreed! Can’t wait for the sequel! This movie pushed every button the right way and the camera work, in two words, SUPERBLY EXECUTED! In fact I hope we do get to see a sequel, these film makers
obvious talents may see them tapped for higher budget affairs before they get the chance. That would be SUPER unfortunate!
Is there going to be a Big Legend 2 movie???
Have to say I was just about ready to tear that guy a new one if he said ‘chief’ one more time….