Becky Image


By Lorry Kikta | June 4, 2020

Ever since I saw the trailer for Becky, I have been obsessed with seeing it. I love Joel McHale, and the thought of Kevin James playing anything other than goofy was so fascinating I was hooked. Luckily, the trailer wasn’t misleading. This film is brutal, smart, and bada**.

Joel McHale plays Jeff, which I’m pretty sure is a nod to his leading role in the show Community, whose name was also Jeff. This Jeff is a widowed father of a 13-year-old girl with a severe attitude problem. You guessed it. This girl is the titular Becky, played by Lulu Wilson. Becky is angry at her dad for dating Kayla (Amanda Brugel) so soon after her mother’s death. At the beginning of the film, Jeff is taking Becky to their family’s lake house on Lake Sinclair. Also, at the beginning of the film, we see the journey of a much different group of people.

“Becky is angry at her dad for dating Kayla…so soon after her mother’s death…”

In the prison yard, Kevin James’ Dominick is seen passing a shank to another prisoner. We then follow him and another group of prisoners that are being transported. The other prisoners on board are Apex (Robert Maillet), Cole (Ryan McDonald), Hammond (James McDougall), and one more unfortunate soul who doesn’t make it too far into the film. He’s the tool to get the prison guards to open the back of the van. Not too long after, Dominick and his team have escaped from prison. They are in search of a key that Dominick owns that happens to be in the basement of Jeff and Becky’s lakehouse.

Becky (2020 )

Directed: Jonathan Milott, Cary Murnion

Written: Nick Morris, Ruckus Skye, Lane Skye

Starring: Lulu Wilson, Kevin James, Joel McHale, Amanda Brugel, Robert Maillet, Ryan McDonald, James McDougall, etc.

Movie score: 9/10

Becky  Image

"…It's Dominick claiming he lost his dog. He did not lose his dog..."

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  1. Gizela says:

    Wow the review seems so vicious. Can’t wait to see this film.

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