Sometimes, all it takes is one song, a single melody, and a few lyrics to create a chorus that will be remembered for decades to come. And behind these memorable songs often lie artists with equally interesting, if not fascinating, pasts. Sister Nancy, or by her real name, Ophlin Russell-Myers, may not be remembered by the general public. Yet, she achieved what few artists manage to do in their careers: have a song that spans the decades while remaining iconic across all generations. With the documentary Bam Bam: The Sister Nancy Story, Alison Duke aims to put the spotlight back on a woman who managed to break the glass ceiling and make her mark on the reggae scene at a time when the genre was still largely dominated by men.

“…a portrait of Sister Nancy’s songs and influence…”
In her quest to paint a portrait of Sister Nancy’s songs and influence, Alison Duke interviews a large group of people, all more or less connected to the singer but with one thing in common: a love and respect for what Sister Nancy has enabled (and still enables) through her music. Whether it’s her daughter Shandy, the members of Soul Syndicate who helped create the singles, or hip-hop producers like K-Cut or Large Professor. This generous mix of interviews allows Bam Bam: The Sister Nancy Story to tell the story of the singer from her earliest beginnings to her current status. Ingeniously alternating between a chronological description of her career and footage of Sister Nancy in her daily life between meetings and concerts. Giving the whole documentary a playful, almost interactive feel.
Alison Duke has also surrounded herself with an extensive photographic and video archive to illustrate what the pioneers of Jamaican Dance Hall were up to in the ’70s. For example, we can see Nancy’s brother Brigadier Jerry singing or deejay Papa U Brown performing during parties. In addition to the large amount of archival footage at her disposal, the director reconstructs key scenes from Sister Nancy’s life, using the visual codes of high-grain film from the era. While not always a success, these reconstructions serve the narrative and our immersion well.

"…spotlight on a woman who broke the glass ceiling and made her mark reggae..."