Anuja Image


By Alan Ng | August 2, 2024

Is the savior complex a bad thing? You see a story of a kid in dire circumstances; you’d be a cold-hearted fool if you didn’t want to try to save them. That’s the feeling I got after watching Adam J. Graves’ dramatic short, Anuja.

Anuja (Sajda Pathan) is a precious nine-year-old who lives with your barely adult sister, Palak (Ananya Shanbhag). The two work long slave-like hours at a back-alley garment factory. The two are able to earn extra cash selling handbags Palak makes from scrap cloth from her job.

“…there are open spots at the school for children like Anuja…”

One day, the principal of a local school sees Anuja and tells Anuja’s boss, Mr. Verma (Nagesh Bhonsle), that there are open spots at the school for children like Anuja and that she should take the qualifying exam to see if she’s eligible. Verma vehemently denies that Anuja is underage and promises Anuja that if she stays at the factory, she will get a bump in pay and a “promotion” thanks to her exceptional math skills.

Why watch Anuja? Well, aside from the obvious reasons, there’s the wonderful performance by Sajda Pathan as Anuja. She is a joy and full of life. Her cuteness is a sure-fire way to evoke sympathy. Anuja tells a simple yet thrilling story about the plight of hundreds of children in India who could have a better life if only they were educated. What’s even better is that the story puts the spotlight on organizations doing good work to give children a chance at a better life.

As a film, Adam J. Graves captures every aspect of India beautifully, from the streets and shops to Anuja’s cramped living situation to her sweaty sweatshop. Based on true events, Anuja was made with the help of students from the schools that saved many children like Anuja. This film will touch your heart in so many ways.

Anuja (2024)

Directed and Written: Adam J. Graves

Starring: Sajda Pathan, Ananya Shanbhag, etc.

Movie score: 8/10

Anuja Image

"…will touch your heart in so many ways."

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