A Boy Called Sailboat Image

A Boy Called Sailboat

By Bobby LePire | January 15, 2019

No sooner do they get the reptile to the plank and a hawk swoops done and snatches the creature from the land. The brief moment of the family getting the lizard to the propping mechanism is filmed as if it will be a big, dramatic victory, saving the house from destruction. Then the bird comes, and it is hilarious. However, it is not mean towards the family as the payoff a few minutes later is also a great punchline. Nugent continually proves able to jump back and forth between comedy and drama throughout the film with absolute ease. Of significant note is the fact that the audience never hears this magical song. Nugent cuts away or drains all the sound of any scene in which Sailboat sings, which adds to the mythical proportions the song takes on.

“…slightly magical tale is a joy to watch, and the sweet-natured atmosphere is going to delight viewers for years to come.”

None of this would mean a thing if the actors weren’t up to the challenge of merging the whimsy and drama in the same way the writing and directing can. Sanchez makes his acting debut as Sailboat and is excellent. From the first scene, where he is subscribing to the Winnie The Poohism of how not looking for anything is when something finds you, this kid makes the audience understand and care for him. His chemistry with his onscreen parents is sublime, as they interact and feel like a real loving couple. De Razzo’s timidity as the shut-in mother is believable, and seeing how she comes out of her shell is enjoyable.

Gugliemi intimidates when called for but comes across as a big teddy bear throughout the movie. When asking a music store clerk about the best strings available for the little guitar, while making a bully’s dad pay for them, is hysterical, in part because of the wonderful way he sells the seriousness of the moment. However, when he is sitting at the dinner talking to his family, he has a big smile plastered across his and loves them. Jake Busey does not have a huge role, but he does excellent work as the teacher. Before hearing the song, Mr. Bing lives in the past often and has a one-track minded. Not to say he does not care his pupils but he is not engaged in the here and now. After the song, the teacher is an entirely changed person, who even walks differently. The subtle changes to the mannerisms of the before and after Busey takes on shows how seriously he is taking this small role and he excels in it stupendously.

J.K. Simmons, always one of the best parts of any film he is in (I liked him as Commissioner Gordon and hated everything else about those DCEU flicks he appears in) is great in his small role here. A speech about how he hopes he doesn’t sell the sailboat until Sailboat’s family can buy it is a highlight of an already fantastic movie. Peeti is played by Keanu Wilson, and he brings a wonderful energy to the character and makes his playful nature evident from his silent onscreen introduction. He and Sanchez are enjoyable together and make for a believable pair of friends.

I could go on and on about the rest of the cast, all of whom are great, or the great costumes, but the takeaway is this- A Boy Called Sailboat is made with passion by very talented people. It’s whimsical, slightly magical tale is a joy to watch, and the sweet-natured atmosphere is going to delight viewers for years to come.

A Boy Called Sailboat (2019) Directed by Cameron Nugent. Written by Cameron Nugent. Starring Julian Atocani Sanchez, Noel Gugliemi, Elizabeth De Razzo, Keanu Wilson, Jake Busey, J.K. Simmons, Rusalia Benavidez.

10 out of 10 Sailboats

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  1. Moses Gonzalez says:

    Simmons appears on Marvel’s Spiderman movies.. As Jonah J. Jameson… Owner of the Daily bugle… 🤣😎

  2. Wyatt Stevens says:

    Outstanding review. You captured this movie perfectly. We stumbled onto it last night on HBO and were simply charmed. It is a remarkable, yet important little movie and you did it justice. Thank you.

  3. Arthur G. says:

    I was lucky enough to see this a short time ago in Silver City, NM where it was filmed. The person who made the film and all the kids from it were there for discussion/ Q&A afterward. When the movie began all I could think was boring. Very soon after that, I was pleasantly surprised. It turned into a very enjoyable, entertaining and funny movie.

  4. Lacy says:

    I just don’t see the point of the boy’s song for his abuela when it is never sung.

  5. Linda Mora says:

    I am so excited to see this movie! When will it start showing in Texas?

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