Based on the 2010 short story, -30- by Laird Barron, They Remain explores the evolving relationship between Keith and Jessica, two scientists who are employed by an impersonal corporation to investigate unspeakable events that took place at the remote encampment of a mysterious cult. Working and living in a state-of-the-art, high tech environment that is completely at odds with their surroundings, they spend their days gathering physical evidence, analyzing it, and reporting on their findings.
They soon find that strange forces are at work at the site and horrors threaten that could be biological, psychological, or supernatural.
Directed by Philip Gelatt and starring William Jackson Harper and Rebecca Henderson. The film’s third “star” is cinematographer Sean Kirby, whose hallucinatory images set the disorienting, disturbing mood. Opens theatrically New York on March 2nd and Los Angeles on March 9th with a national release to follow. More info on the Facebook page here.