Every panel at Los Angeles Comic Con should have its own opening crawl. On Saturday, October 12th at 1PM, at the LA Convention Center Film Threat will present a panel titled Star Woke The Phantom Trigger. And to celebrate, we created this opening crawl…
Here’s the panel description: The debate that began with Star Wars: The Last Jedi continues to divide fans. Do fans want political agendas woven into the fabric of their favorite franchises or have those messages always been there? Is Star Trek “woke” or has the show always been progressive? And if we agree that we all love these franchises in spite of our differences, can we find common ground? These questions and more will be discussed to bring our universe of fandom closer together. Room 404AB

And if you take pics during one of our panels, please post them on social and use the hashtag #FilmThreatLACC so we can retweet you.