Lycanimator Makes a Big Slimy Wolf Image

Lycanimator Makes a Big Slimy Wolf

By Chris Gore | January 30, 2018

Lycanimator is a creature feature where some powerful green glop turns a regular Joe into an irregular werewolf… with slime and exotic appetites of all kinds! A group of friends go to an abandoned house for a weekend away, only to come across a mad scientist with the monster-making goo. More slimy details can be had on the Facebook page here. 
Written and directed by Sébastien Godin. Starring: Cayt Fenics, Briana Wyman, Kii Hornick, Toby Johansen, Matthew Scott Kimple, and B-movie legend Joel D. Wynkoop (Girls Gone Dead, Body in a Dumpster, Always Midnight, House of Carnage).

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