The American Cinematheque and the Los Angeles Film Critics Association present “THE FILMS THAT GOT AWAY” at the Egyptian Theatre (August 25 – 28) and at the Aero Theatre (August 27 – 28). The Los Angeles Film Critics Association, in association with the American Cinematheque, has polled its membership and programmed a festival completely comprised of their picks of “films that got away” — but, shouldn’t have. Bold, visionary, sexy, shocking and indescribable, “The Films That Got Away” gives you a rare look at some of the most audacious, entertaining and original visions in contemporary film. These are the titles the best critics in town pass among themselves like rare jewels. Well, the treasure box is now open to all, with overlooked gems, plus in-person discussions with some giants of independent film and other indescribably rare treats! See the films U.S. distributors shied away from for the same reasons that you, the adventurous movie-goer is looking for – films that are daring, shocking and visionary.
Included in the series is the West Coast Premiere of Director William Greaves’ Two Part Masterpiece SYMBIOPSYCHOTAXIPLASM: TAKE ONE (1968) and SYMBIOPSYCHOTAXIPLASM: TAKE 2-1/2 (2005); the full length, 142 minute version of Terry Gilliam’s surreal sci-fi, black comedy, BRAZIL (1985), starring Jonathan Pryce (DE-LOVELY; THE BROTHERS GRIMM) with a cameo by Robert De Niro; from France Bertrand Tavernier’s award-winning FRESH BAIT (L’APPAT, 1995); from Argentina, Celina Murga’s prize-winning ANA AND THE OTHERS; Michael Almereyda’s HAPPY HERE AND NOW; the prescient paranoid fantasy of an American security hyper-state, TREASURE ISLAND (1999) and Chris Marker’s classic GRIN WITHOUT A CAT (1977).
For more info, visit the American Cinematheque website.