Indie Film Hacks Cinegear Edition: Plate Pros Image

Indie Film Hacks Cinegear Edition: Plate Pros

By Film Threat Staff | June 26, 2023

Sure, the 2023 Cine Gear Expo features the latest in cinematic technology, primarily the latest cameras, gear, and robotic mounts. Who self-respecting indie production can afford that? But like a needle in a haystack, there are products and services suited ideally for the indie filmmaker making the most of their meager investments.

The goal is to get your film to look like a big-budget blockbuster in any way possible. Consider that one scene featuring a conversation between your two lead actors, and rather than sitting them around a table or on a couch, how about putting them in the front seat of a car down a deserted desert highway or busy New York street? Plate Pros is the place to go. No, you don’t have to hire them to film to shoot your favorite location because they’ve already been there.

Plate Pros are photographic virtual environment specialists. They have worked on films like Creed II, Joker, and Stranger Things 3. Their 360° mounted vehicles have already captured almost any location you can think of.

“…their extensive library of 360° video of virtually any general or popular location or setting…”

Forget insurance for stunt drivers or expensive location shoots. This is where Plate Pros comes in with their extensive library of 360° video of virtually any location worldwide. Starting at $3,500 per location, the library boasts destinations such as California’s Mojave Desert, Texas Highways, and famous New York locations such as Brooklyn, Central Park, and the Financial District, to name a few.

Reel samples are available on the Plate Pros preview page. Their web preview files are low-resolution proxies with a quick, dirty geometric stitch. Purchased files are delivered in 12K ProRes 4:2:2 Equirectangular format with a robust stitch. All you need is a stage with a car, green screens, or even an LED Volume stage. Don’t have one? Not to worry, Plate Pros has offices in New York City and Los Angeles to offer solutions. The possibilities are endless, and Plate Pros offers a new tool in your filmmaking arsenal.

For more information, visit the Plate Pros website at

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