Amazing Short : Scraps – The Boy Made of Trash Image

Amazing Short : Scraps – The Boy Made of Trash

By Chris Gore | May 8, 2018

Scraps is the boy made of trash. From London, director Chris Brake brings us this astonishing practical effects and puppeteering wonder. Clocking in at about 10 and a half minutes, Scraps is a dazzling achievement. Fans have raved about it since its launch on Vero social media platform and it has even earned a celebrity nod from director Zack Snyder.

Brake is deservedly proud of the attention and is pleased to be getting a wider audience.

“The positive buzz we’ve been seeing on Vero has translated into lots of people recommending it to their friends, so it’s great that we’re now getting a chance to bring the story of a boy made of trash to festival audiences and turn that online buzz into a communal experience”.

Scraps – The Boy Made of Trash is destined for the festival circuit, but you can watch the whole film here and now:

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  1. Christina Betts says:

    What a fantastic heart warming film. Very clever puppetry and great acting, not to mention the direction from Mr Chris Brake.

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