Like every member of the Disneyana family, Walt Disney has always been a part of our lives. The first movie I ever saw was Mary Poppins. There was nothing more exciting than our annual trip to Disneyland. I watched anything and everything Disney. I’m old enough to have watched re-runs of The Wonderful World of Disney, hosted by the man himself, Walt Disney. Hell, I’ve spent tens of thousands of dollars on the company. You’re welcome.
For me and many others, working for Disney and being a part of Walt’s grand legacy was the dream. My first post-college interview was with Disney Studios (didn’t get it). Living in Orange County, I know more people who worked for Disney than those who didn’t. What was a dream decades ago has now become a nightmare. Though the change in the wrong direction happened long before Bob Iger fired John Lasseter, it was at that moment the corporate and office culture at Disney made a turn for the worse and became a toxic environment where the inmates ran the asylum.
Killer of Dreams
In the last D-Files, I showed how outside sinister forces got their foot in the door at Walt Disney Animation, beginning with Raya and the Last Dragon and under the banner of #MeToo and gender equity. Rather than naturally developing female and minority talent, Disney, under the leadership of Jennifer Lee, chose to force 50/50 equity at the studio, like Mickey Mouse cleaning up the Yensid’s laboratory in Fantasia.

“The result of this ‘wish’ may have destroyed the animation industry in America in one fell swoop.”
The result of Lee’s “wish” may have destroyed the animation industry in America in one fell swoop. The unintended (or some would say intended) consequences of her actions were the creation of a toxic work environment where everyone is walking on eggshells and intent on shoving out veteran talent and ushering in an army of activists dead set on transforming the company in a way that Walt Disney himself would not recognize.
New Tainted Blood
Previously, I touched on the nature of the new blood brought into Disney Animation, like Maleficent’s Goons. Since that article, new information has come to light that will illuminate who these new artists are and where they came from. I referenced The Female Lead’s filmmaker panel from Raya and the Last Dragon, particularly a statement from Head of Story Fawn Veerasunthorn regarding the hiring pool.
When she addresses how she got her job at Disney, she states, “I didn’t grow up in the big city, and I think with the change of internet and social medias [sic], I think the youngest generation will benefit from being able to see the work that millennials, like me, put out there on social media platforms and for us to be able to see a variety of talents [sic] who’s putting their work out there. That kind of changed the landscape of the hiring pool.”
Instead of hiring formally trained artists from traditional institutions like Cal-Arts, Disney (with the help of Women in Animation) explicitly recruited from social media sites, including Tumblr and Reddit—a fact confirmed by numerous sources.
To be clear, Tumblr was not inherently problematic. Most of my contacts used Tumblr to host their portfolios and included links to the site on their CV. What mattered was that your social media profile checked the right boxes (i.e., “female” and “not White”). Today, that box has revised to “female-presenting.”
One source said as long as gender quotients in hiring were being met, “it didn’t matter what your experience was, as long as your ‘stuff looked good’ you can work for Disney Animation…and any animation studios—Paramount, Dreamworks, Netflix, Warner Bros, etc.”
[…] Part 2 and Part 3, Jennifer Lee slowly and subversively ushered in her new vision for Disney Animation and its staff. […]
Wow I didn’t know it was that bad. I feel bad of all fired for this new form of Macarthyism. What’s happening is despicable. This will only end when more people come out speak out and tell Their stories like Gina Carano. Great Job Alan.
It’s not McCarthyism, it’s Marxism. This is how they take over institutions.
Wow this is one heck of an article, I never knew it was that crazy. I feel so bad for those taken out under this new McCarthyism. The only way for things to change is for people to come out tell their stories and reveal the truth, just like Gina Carano. Great job Alan!!!!
[…] the last edition of the D-Files, we see that the pieces are now in place to radically change the very foundation of Disney […]
It’s crushing to read all this. Disney’s new Reimagineers are destroying the company from the inside out.
Thanks for the informative series – are there more episodes in the works?
[…] Hollywood insiders blogsite Film Threat, went further with it’s “D-Files” series by interviewing the people forced […]
If even half of this article is true (and I believe the issues are, if anything, being understated), this is a powerful argument to push back against ‘toxic femininity’, which is a workplace situation is ten times worse than ‘toxic masculinity’ could ever be. The latter might mean a very rare fist fight. The former stands for fascism, hatred, racism and sexism… all the defining qualities of the Woke religion.
[…] al popular gobernador de Florida, Ron DeSantis, impulsó un “agenda gay nada secreta” y adoptó los principios de DEI a puerta […]
[…] declared way on popular Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, pushed a “not-at-all-secret gay agenda” and embraced DEI principles behind closed […]
[…] declared way on popular Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, pushed a “not-at-all-secret gay agenda” and embraced DEI principles behind closed […]
[…] Nevertheless, Raya and the Last Dragon is historically important because the 2021 film marks the decisive turning point in the downward trajectory of Disney. Ace of Spades on Friday linked and excerpted a lengthy recounting of this history by Alan Ng, editor-in-chief of the website Film Threat. “The D-Files, Part 3: Disney the Killer of Dreams.” […]
[…] Nevertheless, Raya and the Last Dragon is historically important because the 2021 film marks the decisive turning point in the downward trajectory of Disney. Ace of Spades on Friday linked and excerpted a lengthy recounting of this history by Alan Ng, editor-in-chief of the website Film Threat. “The D-Files, Part 3: Disney the Killer of Dreams.” […]
The President of Physical production at Disney studios, Philip Steuer, is abusive. That company needs to be cleaned out from the top down.
This is all about keeping the multimedia executive class, and the bourgeoisie that they mesmerize, from creating or supporting an anti-war movement while we’re at war. It’s working.
I am reminded of Scott Kurtz and his fight with Small Press Expo. “A small press comic is a comic that sucks, but that’s OK because it’s art.” These are movies that suck but that’s OK because it’s a political statement. Except Disney is huge.
Thank you guys for doing all this. This [woke] religion has its claws in our culture, and only very real honesty, courage, and virtue can pave the road out of this mess.
[…] The third installment of Alan Ng’s series on the insanity at Disney dropped Wednesday. The D-Files, Part 3: Disney the Killer of Dreams […]
Subbing note:
” In other words, Disney overestimated their artistic talent and underestimated their ability to attract an audience.”
I’m not sure what you mean by this line. It could be
” In other words, Disney overestimated their artistic talent and their ability to attract an audience.”
” In other words, Disney overestimated their artistic talent and underestimated their ability to repulse an audience.”
The way it is originally phrased would be a positive thing from Disney’s perspective, because they’re a business and don’t strictly speaking care if the art’s crap so long as they’re getting that audience.
[…] truly continue the “quota-filling is more important than talent/experience” that we saw in the latest installment of the “D-Files” from Film Threat about such practices at Disney Animation, but these internal rules are […]
Yo Al & Chris/Frank,
IF any of your readers out here have worked for ANY of the owned and operated State Universities in the Continental United States in the last forty years, they will find a remarkable similarity to the descriptions made by these Animators! I KNOW I HAVE! Thank you SO MUCH for this level of Investigative Journalism!! ~Mark~
Alan, thank you so much for spreading the word with these articles. As someone who was hoping to pursue a career in animation as i graduated high school in 2011 I had started seeing the writing on the wall with these awful tumblr cartoons being pumped out seemingly every month and the nasty mean girl cliques that were becoming increasingly becoming the “faces” of these ip instead of, ya know the actual product. Also, anything of quality that managed to slip though the cracks would immediately get tainted and buried culturally by folks who, while not woke per say were instead Travis Bickkle-type addicts that drove the industry into the ground in other ways. The past decade to now feels like watching a loved one die slowly of cancer. Growing up, I had the misfortune to be bullied constantly by tumblr brats and WIA school marm hags and watching these exact same c***s colonize this fraught medium was and still is a giant punch in the face.
Also I’m not sure if indies will be as much of a savior as others might think. The art scene now is too parasitic and political to form an actual alternative unless you do work exclusively for fringe communities. The only real hope I see for new cartoonists is breaking away from the “creative” scenes and doing work in indie lit and its adjacent fields like illustration, but hey who really knows?
There’s YT channel run by visual effect guys, they invite animators to react to animation and tell about their job, how they got to Disney and were mentored by veterans back in the day. None of them works in Disney anymore, I don’t know if it has to do with anything from this article but it got me wondering.
I’d like to watch that channel, if you can provide the info.
This was excellent. I hope Chris rewards you for all your hard work
This whole series of articles makes me sad for these industries and our country but I am so glad that FT has the guts to air out this dirty laundry. It makes more sense now as to why most of the artistic stuff coming out the last few years is horrible. All the regular people can do is speak through our wallets and not support this crap. Going to take a long time I fear to turn this ship around…