The Best Movie-Based Slot Games Image

The Best Movie-Based Slot Games

By Chris Gore | May 1, 2018

When it comes to casinos and the movies, there is a long-standing history. From classic Sinatra-led heist film Ocean’s 11 in 1960 to The Hangover and the countless James Bond films that see the superspy heading to the casino. The movies have always placed slot machines in a revered position and added the lights and glitz and glamour to endear them to the movie’s audience. So, it only makes sense that, as we move away from cinema being our primary source of entertainment and we move online to find our fun, the favor would be reciprocated. Online slot developers are constantly thinking of new themes to attract audiences, and nothing resonates more than slot games that are based on popular movies.

Superhero Slots

One of the most common forms of slots that connect to the movies are themed around superheroes. The superhero boom has taken off in the past decade, with dozens of hardcore and more fair-weather fans turning out in droves to catch up with the antics of the Marvel squad and their DC counterparts. Superhero movies have reportedly raked in billions – and that’s just in the massive releases from 2017 alone. The popularity of superheroes can be seen across slots – from those featuring Spider-Man, to the Adam West-era Batman of the 1960s and Christopher Nolan’s darker Batman, to less popular superheroes such as the Green Lantern. Superhero slots even feature fictional superheroes created in the image of the more well-known ones. The general theme of superheroes in slots allows players to know what they’re getting when they play, so creating fictional heroes per brand allows games developers artistic license to take a slice of the superhero pie.

Comedy Slots

Comedy movie-themed slots are another way in which slots developers can articulate the feelings you experience when you online game in a way that connects to a popular movie. Several comedy movies have leant their imagery and motifs to slot games; from The Hangover to Bridesmaids and Ted to Anchorman. There are even online slots that are themed around the Three Stooges, ensuring there is a comedy character for almost all comedic tastes. Not only does the film allow the world of the film to be extended, it also gives audiences a known quantity in terms of the tone they can expect from playing the game. The comedy movies offer light relief and escapism, so online gamers can choose them over, say, poker or a more strategic heavy-thinking kind of game.

Horror Movie Slots

Another popular theme for online slots is a broader theme of horror movies. Horror movies and online slots make sense due to the similar feelings that both can elicit. Some argue that horror-themed games can be even more adrenaline-based than watching horror movies due to the personal impact. When a progressive slot gets tenser and tenser, this can mimic the feeling of watching a jump-scare heavy movie and knowing you’ll either be terrified or relieved at some point – you just don’t know when. Horror movie themed slots have ranged from Paranormal Activity to the original Halloween, Psycho and Phantom of the Opera. The horror movie’s job is the same as that of the more exciting slot – so those wanting more of a thrill know to choose a scarier looking slot.

Action Movie Slots

Action movies are known for their fast-paced nature and fight scenes over fleshing out character. Taking the excitement that barrels through every action movie and packaging it up into a slot could appeal to those wanting a thrill ride in terms of their online gaming. Games that resemble classics such as Rocky, Basic Instinct, the Terminator, Planet of the Apes, or Jurassic World could attract fans based on the themes and way viewers felt as they watched the films. A lot of the same audiences for action films are likely to be playing online games, so choosing such films is more likely to resonate with audiences who want to play a slot of something they are more likely to recognize. Action movies may have to resort to bigger and bigger explosions nowadays, but as online games show, adrenaline can be generated through a very simple game mechanism. Games developers are always looking for new innovations and new brand connections. Audiences who are new to online slots may feel more comfortable playing slots that are based around a movie that they know. Whether this focuses on superhero, horror, comedy, or action movie-themed games. Fans of the movies will be likely to become fans of online slots by connecting with their favorite films in a different way. Likewise, fans of slots can acquaint themselves with films they may have missed the first time they were aired in cinemas. Settling on the theme of a film is a good way to bridge gaps for audiences and provide a known quantity when it comes to online gaming.

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