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By Pete Jones | August 14, 2003

I don’t know how many of you are watching the new “Project Greenlight,” but maybe some of you, a real small percentage of you, have wondered what the jackass Howdy Doody who won the first one is doing now. Well, I’ve been writing. And if you determine one’s writing success by how many ideas or scripts one sells, it hasn’t been exactly the most successful last two years. It’s changed my views on how long a mother should breastfeed the kids. And her husband. But that’s a column for another day.

When I was at Sundance, I was forced to do a panel discussion at No Dance. And running this panel was Chris Gore from Film Threat. I remember thinking to myself after meeting Chris that I need to show kindness to those less fortunate. And Chris responded to my condescending ways by putting me on his end of the year 50 most Frigid people in Hollywood. (Which my mother-in-law continues to quote when she tries to convince my wife to leave me! Okay, he actually was very kind to my first directing effort.)

My latest script, “Doubting Riley,” is what I would consider a masterpiece. Unfortunately, Hollywood doesn’t exactly agree. So I had two choices. Give up trying to make this script a movie or try to make the movie myself. Every once in a while you gotta say, “What the f**k.”

Get the complete story in the next part of PETE JONES’ “DOUBTING RILEY” DIARY >>>


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